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STEAM Lab for Kids - Bók

Gjald: ISJ 0.00 í 14 daga

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Ástand: A - As new
Númer: BUN0788

STEAM Lab for Kids is an art-forward doorway to science, math, technology, and engineering through 52 family-friendly experiments and activities.

While many aspiring artists don’t necessarily identify with STEM subjects, and many young inventors don’t see the need for art, one is essential to the other. Revealing this connection and encouraging kids to explore it fills hungry minds with tools essential to problem solving and creative thinking.

Each of the projects in this book is designed to demonstrate that the deeper you look into art, the more engineering and math you’ll find.

Following clear, photo-illustrated step-by-step instructions, learn about:

Angular momentum by creating tie-dyed fidget spinners.
Electrical conductors by making a light-up graphite-circuit comic book.
Kinetic energy by constructing a rubber-band racer car.
Parabolic curves by creating string art with pushpins and a board.
Symmetry by making fruit and veggie stamp paintings.
And much more!

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